It’s been almost a year since I launched my blog and it’s felt like forever since I posted a blog post. When I created this blog, my intent was to tap into my creative energy, post weekly and try to run this blog like a business. I wanted to turn this into my own personal brand and devote as much time as I could to it. All of 2019 went by and crazy events happened to me that would’ve been perfect to blog about: I got engaged, moved to a new apartment, I lost my dog, I found my dog, I went to Italy and the Philippines, hosted Christmas at my apartment for the first time – and I did not blog ANY of it! There were so many content ideas that came naturally and not one moment was posted on this blog that is supposed to be about my life.
After reflecting over last year, I noticed that the common theme of why I was not blogging (and essentially not doing everything else I wanted to do) was the lack of discipline. I got extremely lazy and didn’t put any effort into the things I wanted to do personally. Of course 2019 was still an accomplishing year, but I just know I am capable of doing more and being better.
That is why I am deeming 2020 the Year of Discipline. This will be incorporated into every aspect of my life – from work, to my personal goals, and to my relationships. All the habits and routines I’ve started and stopped will be a thing of the past. Consistency is key. And, that starts with recommitting to this blog. This post is the first step in the direction that is going to make this year better than last year. And even though anything can happen in a year, I am going to break down my goals into smaller chunks that I can achieve in a reasonable time frame (super sexy way of achieving those goals).
With that said: Today, I am outwardly making a commitment to write for 20 minutes a day everyday and posting once a week. My hope is that starting small and creating this habit will transcend into growing this blog like a business and will influence how I tackle other goals I want to accomplish this year. This year I turn the big 3-0, and as great as every year and age has been, I want 30 to feel different. I want 30 to feel in control, self-aware and disciplined!
To get started, I took a course on Skillshare by Thomas Frank called “Real Productivity: How to Build Habits that Lasts.” This course goes through how to identify the goals you want to achieve, steps and external tools you can put in place to build habits to achieve those goals, and not being afraid to fail or not be perfect. The exercises within this course helped me identify that my main goal right now is to write everyday and post weekly. To make sure I am holding myself accountable to this goal, I have started using a habit tracker app called Strides and I put it on my to do list. I started bullet journaling (in its most basic form) which has made such a difference in keeping myself organized and on track starting the new year. And, I make sure I set up my computer with a tab to the post I’m writing and music to make it easy for me to get started and get into the zone. Jesse is also holding me accountable to this blog by reminding me I am paying for hosting and my domain name, so I need to put my money to good use!
I look forward to sharing more of my goals, exciting events that come up in real time (maybe a wedding planning series?), and whatever interesting ideas come to mind.
With that, I leave you with two questions to think about as January comes to a close and we move into month 2 of 2020: What is your 2020 theme? How will you tackle your goals this year?
I too have found discipline and consistency an obstacle to fulfilling goals and bringing my ideas to fruition. You’d think at my age I’d have that all figured out. So maybe following you on your journey will motivate me too. My 2020 theme is “it’s never too late”!
I love “It’s never too late!” You can accomplish any of your goals at any time, just have to get started and be consistent. Thanks for your comment <3